Run Headless Chrome on AWS Lambda

The cost-effective way to run Chrome at scale

Download our Chromium binaries (arm64 & x86_64) that are compiled to run on AWS Lambda. Ready to use with Puppeteer or Playwright.

Easy integration

One zip file with everything you need

It doesn't matter if you use Playwright or Puppeteer. Just keep doing that.
There's no need to install or learn new libraries.

Easy installation

For easy installation you only have to configure a few environment variables so that Puppeteer / Playwright knows to download Chromium from us.

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Amazon Linux 2 and 2023

If you use NodeJS 16 or NodeJS 18 on Lambda you are stuck with Amazon Linux 2. Don't worry, we have Chromium binaries for that too.

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ARM64 and X86_64

ARM and X86 are both popular. That's why we offer binaries for both architectures. Using ARM64 might save you money!

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Both for startups and serious businesses

Compiling a working Chrome binary yourself is expensive. Earn that time back.



Download now
      • Chromium 122
      • Chromium 121
      • Chromium 120
      • 24/7 Github community support

    One version

    $349/one time

    Get Chromium 127
        • Chromium 127
        • Chromium 122
        • Chromium 121
        • Chromium 120
        • 24/7 Github community support



      Buy plan
        • Access our repository with the compile scripts
        • All future Chromium versions
        • Chromium 127
        • Chromium 126
        • Chromium 125
        • Chromium 124
        • Chromium 123
        • Chromium 122
        • Chromium 121
        • Chromium 120
        • 24/7 Github community support
        • Dedicated support (Email)